Maximizing Your Dental Practice with the 3Shape TRIOS Scanner

3shape trios scanner is Digital Solution For Dental practice nowadays. In light of the technological advancements, the dental sphere has benefited from the development of intra-oral scanning equipment such as the 3 shape trios scanner. If you can remember correctly, the analog method involved placing some material in a custom dental impression tray that had been specially designed to fit over the dental arches. It would then create a dental impression of the teeth and the soft tissues inside the mouth.

The above process would then lead to the production of a model or a cast. Fast forward to the 21st century, and we can now comfortably get the dental arch information, including the 3D models, via optical impressions. The reason for innovation is because the physical impressions caused too much discomfort, especially in children, and casting took a lot of time.

Therefore, the significant advantage of using the optical scanning method is that it saves time and energy; though making a physical impression takes the same amount of time, we no longer have to use a stone cast to get the physical plaster model. 

How does the 3 shape trios scanner work?

3 shape trios scanner workThe 3shape trios scanner is used to capture direct optical impressions of your mouth (that is, the shape of abutment teeth, cavities, and adjacent teeth) for analysis by a dentist.  The information is then transferred to Computer Assisted Design (CAD) software. After completing the restoration design, the files are moved to Computer Assisted Manufacturing (CAM) software, fed to a milling machine.

Clinical procedures will then proceed from the above. Using the device, dentists can perform virtual set-ups such as simulating the effect of arch expansion and dental extraction; the teeth can also be moved. The 3 shape trios scanner can also present to patients the final look of their teeth before they commence treatment.

Dentists can also perform indirect bonding, which is a method of applying the braces accurately and faster than the analog method. Additionally, the 3 shape trios scanner contains three vital components, the incorporated intraoral camera, the intraoral scanner, and the automated shade dimension, which enables the device to capture three digital impressions.

3shape trios scanner for sale


Before we get to the cost of the 3shape trios scanner, let us see if its features are beneficial and match the price. By adopting the intraoral scanner, you will be able to use the benefits of its true geometrics, and here you get up to 1000 3-dimensional images. Less time will, therefore, be used to capture the impressions, as it is high speed.

The scanner is fully functional on its own and doesn’t need you to hold it if you are tired, as you can rest it on the patient’s teeth, not for long, though. Also, don’t stress yourself with angles, like a photo man, because the 3shape trios scanner dental can capture images all around without a specific focus. It is also spray-free, which enhances comfort and accuracy.

Given the high cost of the scanners, dental practitioners could find a 3shape trios scanner for sale from some major retailers and private practitioners, but before you purchase, consider the accessories that come with it and its functionality.

READ MORE  Top 10 Best Intraoral Scanners in Dentistry

And by using the device, patients will have a little comfortable experience compared to the analog method, and the clinical results will be way more accurate. And since it comes with an S-cart, you will get an intuitive touch screen to move to different locations. It is also easy to clean and is WI-FI enabled.

So as you seek to find a digital solution for some of the services in your facility and ensure that your clients don’t run to your competitor, the 3shape trios scanner for sale at Uniguide Dental goes for $ 19 700.00 with loyalty points that could be converted into a voucher. And did you know that you could also put your 3shape trios scanner for sale, maybe if you want to upgrade? 

Trios scanners don’t come cheap, but that should not deter dental clinics from incorporating digital solutions in their dental practice. Some retailers bid to promote the product or bright old stock, as innovation kicks in, will put the 3shape trios scanner for sale. 

Competitors of the 3 shape trios scanner

3shape_trios _competitor

Comparison table



Ease of use

Data transmission



3 shape trios scanner

Easy to use with wireless cart

Produces lifelike colors, can scan and send information to different labs.

Ultra-Fast, accurate scanning with minimal error

Features a pen grip and wireless connection

Cerec Omicam

Features an intuitive design and allows ergonomic scanning

Enables open export of scan data


The small pen-like design with wire connection

Carestream cs 3600

Provides comfortable scanning

Provides live scanning, the user is informed to scan missing information

High speed

Features autoclavable tips, with a normal tip for general scanning with wire connection

Cerec Primescan

Easy to use

Data is captured in high resolution and processed

Fast and accurate

Small tip with a wired connection

Medit I 500

Features an intuitive design

Highly accurate data capture enables the export of STL files

Impressive speed

Small tip, light in weight with a wired connection

Itero element 5d

Easy to use

Real-time, time-lapse. Features a 3D scan


Small tip, laptop-compatible with a wired connection

Virtuo Vivo

Features a small and light easy to use a handpiece

Real-time digital results

Provides fast real-life color scanning

Features a small light handpiece with wired connectivity

The 3 shape trios scanner competitors do have a few unique features that might be lacking from the trios, but still, they don’t beat it in performance. For starters, all the 6 scanners feature a wire cable that is used to connect to a computer or laptop, but the 3 shape trios scanners 3 and 4 feature a wireless connection.

The trios scanners are in three versions; we have the 3shape trios 3 basics, an improved version from the analog option, and have two outstanding features. The superior scanning technology and a unique open system, connection to the computer are via a cable.

The 3shape trios 3 scanner comes with some of the patient excitement applications and an in-house design and production. And if you want to upgrade to the latest model, you can put your 3shape trios scanner for sale. Trios 4, just like 3, are wireless with WI-FI connection features; the 3shape trios 4 is, therefore, an advanced intra-oral scanner from the trios 3.

READ MORE  Top 10 Best Intraoral Scanners in Dentistry

Some of the 3shape trios 4 features include detecting surface or interproximal caries, and it has preventive care possibilities and the four features present in the trios 3. Users should also note that the FDA has not cleared the procedure of caries diagnostic, which is for clinical use in America.

Other scanners like the Virtuo Vivo have been made with removable and autoclavable sleep, which are necessary for eliminating the patient’s turnaround time. And the reason why it gives the 3 shape trios a run for its money because it is easy to handle and features a much smaller shape than the trios.

What’s more, the machine is motion-controlled, thus enables touch-free manipulation of the images on the screen but with gloves. The device has two miniaturized 3D scanners, which allow real-life color scanning. The itero element 5d stands out because of its proximal caries detection feature and its simulation capability.

Imagery from the itero comes in two forms; we have the intraoral camera, a real-life colored presentation, and the NIRI imagery in black and white. The scanner also boasts a 60 seconds complete full arch scan, giving you an Invisalign Progress Assessment. The Medit i500 enables the user to match the scan abutments to the scan bodies.

The latter is enabled under the A.I. ABUTMENT and A.I. BODY MATCHING. The benefit of the aligned library data that results from the scan abutment and scan body is that it can be used for downstream work design. Dentists can also perform pre-operation scans and data used as a reference in the modeling process.

The prime scan stacks up well but does not beat the trios scanners, as it offers basic features like enhanced connectivity and speed. It is, however, accurate because of its innovative smart pixel sensor, and usability is improved because it can derive clear images from the hard-to-access areas. The Carestream cs 3700 come with different size tips to suit different types of patients.

What makes the Carestream stand out is its ability to indicate the areas that have not been accessed and require repeat scanning. You will, therefore, be able to see green arrows on your monitor that show you the areas of the scan that don’t have full details.

Lastly, we have the Cerec Omnicam, which features a small scanner design comfortably held in hand. What makes it unique is its ability to scan gingiva and the natural tooth substance without using powder and produce quality 3D images with lifelike colors.

Review of the 3shape trios 4

3Shape made Trios 4 as an improvement of the trios 3; therefore, features improved speed, Intelligence, and data acquisition. Dental clinics don’t have many choices when it comes to adopting the intra-oral scanning device. They also stand to benefit from the device; for example, they will save time collecting and sending information for clinical action.

Patients will also have an easy time during the process compared to using the traditional method, giving accurate results. It was very uncomfortable for both the adults and kids. Initially, the findings of the physical impression could not be sent directly to the lab, and the time is taken to get a reply was long, which, therefore, increased problems with communication.

READ MORE  Top 10 Best Intraoral Scanners in Dentistry

But with the intra-oral scanner, files can be sent directly to partner laboratories at the click of a button, a process that has cut the shipping costs and ensured less turnaround time. The device has also obliterated any chances of doubts or questions, as it allows a repeat procedure.

Features of the 3 shape trios 4


The presence of acids on the enamel surface is what causes dental caries, so when you consume a lot of sugary foods or drinks, they do react with the dental biofilm, which is on the surface of the teeth. It, therefore, damages different parts of the teeth, which later become tiny holes. The trios 4 by 3 shape is thus used to detect caries.

Though it features light in the scanner, it does not produce radiation waves, and the machine effectively detects both the interproximal and surface caries. And the one feature that dentists are going to be happy with is its ability to scan up to 3 patients per battery. It also comes with instant heat smart tips to enable the user up to 30% increased battery life.

Remember, trios 4 will give you a final scanning report to not need additional scanning. Even more impressive is that it has been constructed with fluorescent technology that will provide information about possible carries development.

Dentists can also share visual information of the dental structure with their patients to aid them in understanding the problem that they have and suggest possible treatment. Another benefit from Trios is the trios application that features a design studio and an implant studio that you can use to plan, design, and print custom surgical guides; the dentist can also access and use the splint studio.

Key features of the 3 shape trios 4

The device features an open system, has incorporated superior scanning technology; the company also offers in-house design and production and provides users with preventive care possibilities.


  • Trios 4 has been made with the instant heat technology that enables optimized scanning.
  • Able to detect both the interproximal and surface caries
  • The smart heat tips enhance the devices battery life
  • Features a detection aid
  • It has a small tip, thus ease in navigating the dental formula


  • Speed not improved as it is the same as the trios 3
  • The battery can only serve three patients


Trios 4 was supposed to be a more sophisticated version of trios three. Still, as it turns out, the only significant change is its ability to detect the surface and interproximal caries. The trios software, however, comes highly recommended as it gives accurate results for various tests.


The 3 shape trios 4 scanner is just what you need as you renovate your clinic and introduce digital solutions. The invention of the various intra-oral scanners has obliterated the discomfort that came with the physical impressions. Besides, scanners differ in functionality, although only the trios 4 seems to offer maximum comfort when it comes to ease of use. It doesn’t have a connecting cable and produces life-like images.

The 3shape trios scanner for sale does not mean that it is of lower quality; its performance is up to par; it is also an affordable option given its high price tag. With the 3shape trios scanner for sale, dentist lacks the reason for not equipping their facility with the latest digital solution technology.

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